Women and Money Book Launch April 6,2023

I wanted to share the exciting news that today, we are launching our powerful book: “Women of the World Network®: Women and Money” in a digital format for you to lean into and get a copy during our Best Seller Campaign (the first 24 possibly 48 hours of its release on Amazon) for the special rate of just $1.99 USD.


As you will see on this link, we are global! Please share this with your friends and family both nationally and internationally so more can be empowered by the book’s message.

Here are a couple of reviews we got of our book:

“This book is very inspiring! I definitely can relate to it and I’m pretty sure that a lot of people will do too. Full of amazing stories and teaching and wonderful women. It makes me realize the true value of my own experiences, and encourages me to start with a simple plan, learn from their ups and downs, and hope for a brighter future. I hope that every woman (and man) will get to read this book!” Margie Viaga Calangian

“Loved every story in the book and saw me in every chapter. What a treat it was to be one of the first ones to see how extraordinary women are around us and could see myself having a conversation with each one of them. I am envious that I am not among these women!” Uttara Pandya

An international approach to living well and finding one’s worth. The co-authors share their story of moving from struggle to wealth with a shift in mindset, recognition of self-worth and acceptance that women and money do align to achieve success and a life filled with abundance.” Maureen Ryan Blake

Celebrate with me!

This brings me so much joy and I am proud (and excited!)to share this book with you. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. Get yourself a digital copy today on Amazon at this link for $1.99!

Join me on Facebook (watch the video I recorded) and Instagram as I celebrate this momentous event, and give updates about our book. Like, comment, and share my posts to get the word out to as many people as possible.

Again, thank you for your support and I am honored to share this special book launch, and day with you.

Sheilla Vidal is a Retirement Income Certified Professional RICP® and life insurance broker. Sheilla is also a physical therapist, wife, mother of two, and one of the caregivers for her 85-year-old father. She is an avid learner.  She writes, speaks, and recognizes that her work in helping clients live with dignity is her God-given mission.

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