Live the Life You Love With Life Insurance

In this blog, let’s talk about LEGACY and living the life we love. Life Insurance has a huge role in this.

And as we celebrate Valentine’s Day and think of the people we love, I’d like to remind you to think of your legacy. 

In doing research for this blog, I learned that February also signifies Cancer Prevention Month and Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month.

Learn about American Heart Month and National Donor Day, both held in February.

National Cancer Prevention Month

Held annually every February, National Cancer Prevention Month aims to raise awareness about cancer and spread awareness about the importance of early detection, which is paramount to cancer prevention.

There are over 100 different types of cancer, the most common among women being cancer of the breast and of the prostate among men.  In 2021, 1,898,160 new cancer cases and 608,570 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. 

The good news: the rate of cancer deaths is dropping due to early detection,  improved health habits, and treatments.

The bad news: the out-of-pocket cost of a cancer battle is about $20,000 annually and lung cancer is at the top in costs (Sources: Mesothelioma Center, 2019 and Milliman Research Report 2017). 

Prevention is Key

I believe that self-care is our biggest weapon against cancer. Eating right, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, outdoor exercise, sunshine, and being around people who love us are wonderful ways to do self-love and care.

Scheduling routine preventive screening procedures such as colonoscopy starting at age 45 and mammogram for women 40 and above is key to early detection. There may be others depending on your family history for cancer so be sure to check.    

Jessica’s story was a success story not only because her cancer was detected early and was cured, but her living benefits protection also helped her and her family while she was fighting cancer. It helped smooth out the bumps on the road to recovery because they didn’t have to choose between working to pay the bills or caring for their family during this difficult time. I’m sure this had a positive effect on her total well-being and ability to fight the cancer. 

So friends, please help spread this information by sharing Jessica’s story with people you know in your family, in your work, and in your community. Simply click the share button at the end of this letter. 

Plant The Seeds of Greatness Month

According to, “This annual observation was born out of the spirit of ‘New Year, New Me,’ and is all about removing the barriers of our lives to welcome a new season of growth and abundance. It is also a great time to honor the greatness of our friends and family. February is a month of great beginnings. With winter in its final stretch, the golden haze of longer days begins to cover the barren cold. As the seasons around you leap change, so can you.

Visualize yourself five years from now. What are you doing? Who are you with? How do you look? Do you like yourself? If not, what are you doing to change it? During Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month, you can recommit yourself to the journey of self-improvement and growth. Cut out any toxicity of life and become the kind of person who sets goals and achieves them. You owe your future self a chance to become the greatest version of yourself. Take it!”

I love this idea of great beginnings. I’m always trying to learn, innovate, and improve for the people I serve. You inspire me to do better and I hope this inspires you to take action in your life too! We only have one chance at life. 


As we envision our future, let’s take it a step further and think about what we want our legacy to be. How do you want to be remembered? What mark do you want to leave behind in the world? 

Maya Angelou said “Your legacy is not one thing, your legacy is what you do every day, your legacy is every life you touch, every person’s life that was either moved or not. “ 

We are writing our legacy, our story every day. With whom we love, live, and laugh. We get to decide what legacy to leave behind. For whom, and with whom. Whatever legacy we want to leave, start doing it now. 

I’m thankful and honored to be a part of this conversation with families so they can have financial security in the next generations. Legacy isn’t just or always about money. Love is the energy source of legacy. That is why designated February as Insure Your Love Month. 

Life insurance is an expression of your love beyond words. 

Life Happens is a nonprofit organization focused on educating you about life, disability and long-term care insurance and how these financial tools, along with annuities, can help you put a strong financial foundation in place so that you and your loved ones, and even your business, can thrive financially.  If you have any questions about these financial tools, reach out to me. I’m here to serve as your guide and advocate so you can make smart choices.  The next move—getting coverage—is up to you! 

Business owners, here are 5 Tips to Retain Good Employees

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook, to be in the know of all things planning right to take care of the people you love.

Quick Question of the Month: Is legacy important to you? Experiencing a DBMDR-Death, Birth, Marriage, Divorce, or Retirement? I can help! 
To find out more, schedule a meeting with me.

What Dignity Planning Means: 

I help you plan to ensure you live in dignity throughout your life until your last breath.

Living in dignity means

  • Being able to focus on getting better because money is not an issue
  • Being able to live comfortably and pay your mortgage even if you’re sick and can’t work
  • Being able to take care of your sick family member because you can afford not to work
  • Being able to afford the best care even when not covered by health insurance
  • Living a quality of life until your last days
  • Continuing to take care of the people who matter most even after you’re gone or no longer can work.
  • Living a full life in retirement because your physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

Ask Sheilla 

Q: I’m a foreigner and only have ITIN. Can I apply for life insurance? 

A: Yes. However whether you have a social security number or ITIN, carriers are looking at the length of time you have been in the country or how long you intend to stay. Travel outside of the country in the next 12 months is often not favorable.

Sheilla Vidal is a Retirement Income Certified Professional RICP® and life insurance broker. Sheilla is also a physical therapist, wife, mother of two, and one of the caregivers for her 85-year-old father. She is an avid learner.  She writes, speaks, and recognizes that her work in helping clients live with dignity is her God-given mission.

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